My Journey Through Grad School

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Time Flies...

Well, let me first say that I know it has been months since my last entry but I've been so incredibly busy as of late that I have not been able to update everyone on my journey. The last few months has been very intense for me. It's been an emotional roller coaster and well adjusting to graduate school has not been easy. After nearly two months ...Surprisingly, I'm still adjusting.

My first rotation ended in early September and for the most part I enjoyed my time in the lab. I learned a great deal concepts and techniques. As for data, I was able to make some interesting observations, nothing to write a paper about. Before September 11 (my first day of classes), I was very excited about starting grad school unfortunately, that excitement has diminished and has since been replaced with fear, anxiety and stress. I am currently taking one 10 credit course, journal club as well as juggling a rotation. While it might not sound like very much it sometimes feels like the heaviest of burdens. Journal club is held once a week and while it's a great way to learn about current research topics and critic papers...I don't feel comfortable or knowledgeable enough to take part in the discussions. Hopefully, that will change because my journal club presentation is quickly approaching. My rotation is going well, I think! I'm never really feel as though I'm doing enough or spending enough time in the lab. As for class (GC550), which encompasses 3 courses: Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Genetics for 12 hours a week. As of the second exam, I am doing above average and while that is music to my ears, I know that I am not pushing myself hard enough. The course is difficult and it covers a great deal of material and hopefully by the end of the semester I'll emerge not only with a good grade but with my sanity.

So, far grad school is what I expected... hard work! What I didn't anticipate was how I would deal with all the new demands on my life. Both emotionally and physically, school takes a lot out of me and the weekends are always a much needed break, my time to recuperate and re-energize myself for the week ahead. Whether it means going to New York, sitting at home or most recently going to Chicago (to paint the town red with my good friend Monica) I try to enjoy and savor every moment of happiness and peace that I experience. Maintaining the balance between doing well in school and enjoying life has become my priority.


  • I promise you it gets better after you're done with your coursework and have settled into a lab... Everyone feels the same way you do as a first year ... But YOU CAN DO IT!!! Love, Emma

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 11:50 AM  

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